I've ordered these bags from POSPaper before and know that they are reliable and will last as well.I use them for home use -- which means they'll last a long time! We much prefer these bags rather than a lot of the plastic bags you find so much of these days.The bags come wrapped in a large outer bag for protection,with a large inner bag that actually has the bags in them.This is a large,heavy package{48 pounds}! But remember,there are 500 bags in there! I actually would like to get a smaller quantity,but other companies require you to get 1000 bags! At least 500 bags are manageable! The easiest way to get them into the house is just to 'roll' the whole package in.I could just pick them up and bring them in,but it's a pretty large, unwieldy package -- so I just 'roll' them in! These bags are reliable and last for several years{remember,I use them for home use,not retail use} -- so they really are a bargain! We'll continue to order from POSPaper!