Credit Card Machines: What You Need to Know If Your Business Uses One
Credit cards are a convenient way to allow customers to pay and more transactions than ever are done via credit. If your business uses a credit card machine, here are some tips you may not have thought of to help your business.
Find the Right Payment Processor
An important way to ensure you are putting your credit card machine to good use is to find the right payment processor. Look for one with a record of good, consistent service. Additionally, you will want to ensure that they are PCI compliant and place a strong emphasis on data security. You will also want to make sure they can support multiple payment options such as contactless payments.
Clean Your Machine as Part of the Maintenance
Many people do not realize that credit card machines need to be cleaned regularly. Fortunately, card reader cleaning cards are a great way to make this part of your typical maintenance. Regularly cleaning your credit card machine will ensure that it continues to work smoothly for customers. This will also help you maintain the value of your investment, making your machine last longer.
Keep a Credit Card Imprinter on Hand
A staple of business supplies for many years, you would be surprised how many businesses no longer have a credit card imprinter on hand. While digital technology is much more reliable, it does still go down from time to time. Having a credit card imprinter is a way to ensure that you are able to continue accepting credit card payments if your servicer’s network is down, a great convenience for your customers.
Promote Your Payment Capabilities
Many merchants accept credit cards but do not think to promote that fact. While most major merchants accept them, many people are not sure if they can use their cards at small businesses. If you are a small business that accepts credit cards, be sure to advertise that to your potential customers. Chances are the convenience will allow you to get a few more people into your store.